Badlands Session #11

Just after dawn, the adventurers’ find themselves discussing the direction to take.

“Let’s follow the road – they were taking this cart somewhere, we play the fools once again!” – Nitsuj argues.

With no other plan, they head east along the hard earthen path, just barely wide enough for the cart. After a few hours of travel, the air heavy with the cold of autumn, they find a small clearing and rest.

“Does anyone else smell that?”, Anastasia asks right before a large brown bear smashes through the brush and charges Sebastian.

Sebastian pulls Heaven’s Vengeance up to take the blow and is thrown back, getting the wind knocked out of him as he lands hard on the ground.

Galan dips behind a stump, sees the perfect moment to leap up onto the back, sliding down, ripping a large gash in the side of the bear.

Nitsuj pulls out his holy symbol – “Begone you zombie bear!” and drives the symbol toward the towering ursa. If undead, the bear is unaffected by Nitsuj’s efforts.

Nitsuj watches the huge bear rake Sebastian with his razor sharp claws, nearly disemboweling him. Enraged, Sebastian retaliates with a mighty blow directly to the bear’s head.

“That’s the one!” – Sebastian yells triumphantly.

Even though the death blow had been delivered, the bear still managed one last violent blow connecting with Anastasia. The massive bear paw, nearly half the size of the halfling, pins her to the ground, bones breaking. The bear falls to the ground, dead.

Surviving the attack, healing spells are immediately rendered to Sebastian and Anastasia.

“That bear was going to eat you! But don’t worry! I was going to cut you out of it’s belly!” Galan says, trying to break the ice of the nearly deadly encounter.

A closer inspection of the body yields that this bear was not a normal average bear. Large patches of fur and flesh are loosely hanging on the body. Huge lesions cover the underbelly. The skin is almost translucent.

Determined to take the head back to Renye, Galan goes about beheading the beast, and processing out the body. Inside the stomach, Galan finds a chewed up dog collar similar to the one they recovered off the unholy beast earlier.

“The bear must have eaten one of those demon dogs, and probably some undead. Makes sense. This bear is more a zombie and bear to be honest. This collar though – magic or not – certainly worth a lot of gold. Rubies, maybe electrum, it’s valuable.” – Galan reports.

Continuing up the road, they spot 3 carts being pulled by 6 cultists. Shadowing them, they observe the cultists setting up for camp.

Deciding that an ambush while they sleep, stealing their cargo, and just continuing up the road is the plan, they quickly enact it.

Waiting until daybreak to attack, Galan starts off by sneaking down into the middle of the camp. The cultist on watch, completely unaware of Galan’s presence. Galan approaches, dagger in hand, and trips over a stone, completely foiling his attack. The watch screams for help, and soon, cultists are pouring out of the tents.

Watching the chaos erupt below, Anastasia casts sleep from the overlooking ridge, sleeping most of them. After a few minutes of deadly combat, the cultists are put down.

“Let’s pile their bodies on the carts – maybe we can turn them into red juice, we can sell the story with them, who will question us? They only identified us before by Morgane’s height. We don their cloaks, and ride in with these fresh bodies on the carts. We take some of their dug up bodies with us. Mix them up. We are just doing our jobs… digging up bodies, you know…” – Nitsuj offers.

Deciding upon that, the adventurers’ sleep for the night. Packing up the carts with corpses, they pull the carts north along the path.

After a half day of pulling the carts, a rough fort is spotted off the road along a small creek. Making sure their disguises are in order, they pull off the main path toward the fort.

The cultist out front of the door pulls a large lever and the door swings open, and waves them inside. Inside a foreman directs them to take the bodies to the upper floor. Wanting to blend in, they quickly unload the corpses into the juice hopper.

“Let’s steal some of these jugs of juice. We can’t burn this place, too much stone, and too many to assault directly, but clearly the juice is a precious resource. As long as they don’t have it, we are slowing them down” – Nitsuj whispers as they head to the room of empty flasks. Taking 4 large glass flasks to the room for filling, they fill them up. Nobody even sees them They load them into a cart, and wait.

Waiting for the cover of darkness, just as the gate was getting ready to be closed for the night, they drag the cart out the front. Behind them, they hear someone asking a question.

“Don’t look back – just keep going – we are on a mission! Just ignore them. If they come after us, we flee to the forest, and regroup” – Nitsuj commands under the strain of the cart.

Nobody followed them. Deciding to find a place to stash the cart off the road, they pull the cart south.

Anastasia thrusts her finger toward the forest canopy – “Look up there! Does that look like a glowing column of light? It isn’t like the other ones we have seen, but it is glowing. My halfling curiosity must know what that is!”

Carved stones form a rough trail. A carvings look Elvish in nature. Soon the main path is completely out of sight. Opening before the party is a huge tree in a clearing. Glowing lights surround the branches, blinking in and out. This is the source the light that Anastasia spotted.

92 xp combat
1000 xp lifting the curse
3000 xp stealing the juice (plot quest)

1 dog collar (1000 gold)
One beheaded undead bear & paw

Badland Session #10

After a well earned night’s sleep, the adventurers find themselves deciding their future.

“They need corpses – let’s go find the local graveyards and track them from there!” – pitches Nitsuj.

“Let’s hit the other points of interest on the map. The last one showed us the summoning portal and that dark knight.” – Morgane puts forth.

Eventually the party settles on heading to the next closes point of interest marked on the map. Finding a well used trail heading west, the party makes quick time.

Hearing a rustle off the path, a bear and two cubs are seen eating an undead corpse. The large black mama bear held the upper half of a zombie in her massive mouth as the cub ripped mouthfuls of flesh off. The other cub is spotted feasting upon a zombie leg.

Content with just being observers, the party heads further west. As the sun starts to set, they arrive at their destination. A tall plateau with a stone winding ramp guarded by 3 cultists.

Gwan holds back, as the rest of them don their cultist garb, and walk toward the guards.

“Halt – what’s your business” – a guard wielding a large staff yells out from above. Morgane steps forward and begins to spin her tale about being attacked by a group of fake cultists, barely able to escape with their lives.

“We came straight here as ordered!” – Morgane ends with. Anastasia spots one cultist pulling out a parchment, reads it, and shows the other one. “Uh oh… I think they are onto us” – Anastasia mutters.

“It’s them! Kill them!” heard below, and combat erupts. The stone ramp was presents a challenge to the adventurers. Cultists attack from the high ground, taking up defensive positions. The large human cultist steps up to prevent anyone from running up the large ramp.

“You shall not pass!” screams the cultist guarding the entrance to the ramp, as it pulls out a very large thick staff, twirls it with deft proficiency.

Gwan hears the commotion moves closer to the ramp, and readies his heavy crossbow, sighting for a target.

Nitsuj using his ability to climb walls scales up the rock face, and slides behind the two cultists in the back. Sebastian seeing the ease that Nitsuj scaled the wall, decides to try the same – not quite a fast, but he eventually makes it up.

Morgane takes a few steps back, and with just a few bounding steps launches herself at the cultist guarding the ramp. Her mass combined with her speed allows her to launch herself like a cannonball across the gap, slamming into the cultist, knocking him to the ground. Without missing a beat, Morgane dispatches the cultist with a quick precise blow.

The sounds of combat makes their way to the top of the bluff, and more cultists appear above, and start to launch arrows and spells upon the party below.

Sticky spider webs appear from the ether and the entire ramp is covered, slowing everyone down. After a few rounds of furious combat, the party makes it to the top of the bluff and see a bloody sight..

A very mean looking cultist pulls out two deadly daggers and moves forward. Behind him, a smaller undead dread dog moves to attack the party. A magical link of pink energy runs between the dog’s collar and the cultist’s amulet.

Nitsuj yells over the melee sounds to focus on the handler, not the dog.

The dog looked similar to the dread knight’s companions just half the size – its massive head could rest comfortably on Anastasia’s head for scale. Snarling and snapping, it rears back and leaps at Morgane who pulls up her shield, absorbing the blow.

Galan dispatches his assailant by throwing a series of attacks driving him off the ledge, the fall breaking his back.

Sebastian with one massive swing of his hammer, crushes his foe.

Morgane slams her hammer in a powerful overhand smash, yet the blow feels less impactful as she knows it should be. The dog yelps in pain, and a ball of energy moves across the link to the cultist. The cultist screams in pain, and clutches his chest.

Seeing this, Nitsuj charges up the ramp, swinging his new club – delivering a solid blow. Much like what Morgane experienced, the blow does not deliver the damage it normally does. Both the handler and dog yell in pain, enraging both.

The dog lunges at Morgane with unexpected swiftness, and pierces her defenses, the damage immediately apparent as blood gushes out of both her wounds. The link glows green, and both linked parties’ wounds begin to heal.

“Kill the handler!!!!” – Nitsuj yells, hoping it is heard over the chaos of combat. Galan steps from the darkness, delivering a savage and deadly strike on the handler, dropping him. The link fades between them.

Pulling out her wand, Anastasia points it at the demonic foe. Bolts of light erupt from the tip, flicker through the sky and slam into the beast, resulting in its death.

The sole remaining cultist petrified in fear is captured and interrogated. A note found on one of the corpses confirms what the party had suspected, they had been found out. They had implemented a code word. It was signed “Malon”. The forced interrogation didn’t go exactly as planned, resulting in his death.

“He did say ‘Pestilence’ before he died – maybe that’s it”

Not wanting to sleep next to a demonic altar, the group decide to push the massive black stone altar off the edge.


The altar teeters, and plunges to the forest floor. The silence of the night is broken by the impact, dust blowing up from the 60 foot drop. Satisfied in the destruction of this source of evil, the party rests for the night.

The next morning the party decides that each of the points of interest had turned up more information. The note had said that they were down to one production factory, having two destroyed already.

“This must be it!” – Sebastian points to the ruins of a church. After destroying a few undead, the church reveals a secret. Inscribed into a brass plate at the foot of a large statue of a black knight is the name “Malon” – the same as in the note.

“Hell of a coincidence…” – Galan quips.

Reaching into a hole under the statue yields an elaborate scroll case. Inside are land deeds, and a few magical scrolls. Tired from all the travel, they rest for the night.


  • Morgane/Gwan – Mimi
  • Sebastian/Anastasia – Sarah
  • Galan – Gary
  • Nitsuj – Justin

Humans – 2283 xp
Non-Human – 2075 XP


  • Book of recipes (cookbook)
  • Potion of healing
  • 2 unidentified potions – one with picture of an arm
  • Potion of Cure Poison
  • Perfect shaped Emerald – 1,200 gold
  • Scroll of Protection from Elementals
  • 310 gold
  • Scroll Silence 10′ radius

Badlands Session #9

  • Went to see Reyney
    • Offers adventure of clearing other side of pass. Giants have blocked the route with large boulders. No supplies or help can arrive with the rocks and giants blocking the way into the fort.
    • Will pay for monster information and evidence of giants
      • Offers one of [keg of unlimited beer, tent of perfect comfort, 6 rocks that will grow to the size of boulders when thrown]
  • The undead have ATTACKED!!
    • Town of Cadon was attacked. Mayor brought the survivors to Noscar Fort.
    • Fate of Old Morgansfort is not clear. Cadon sent for help but help did not arrive.
  • Locations of interest were given to the party. They investigated the location close to their hunting cabin.
    • A knight wearing black matte armor with a wicked scary sword has been reported with two large dogs that ride with him.
    • A summoning ritual was observed. A bright column of light ripped through the summoning circle. The altar is at the center of the circle. The red liquid was poured onto a corpse upon the altar, the knight observed a cultist perform the arcane procedure, opening a rift between the planes. With their own eyes, several undead climb through the portal before the light fades. Satisfied, the dread knight rides off.
    • Party decides they would like to check out the remaining places of interest given to them by the former mayor of Cadon.


  • 1000 xp was granted for a quest milestone
  • Human: 407 xp
  • Non-Human: 370 xp
  • Scroll of Magic Missile
  • Scroll of Wizard Lock
  • Spell book of [Detect Invisibility, Phantasmal Force]
  • 310 gold
  • 1 healing potion
  • 1 potion [unknown – g]
  • [Nitsuj] Baton(1d6) + 1
    Club of Discipline


Gwan/Morgane – Mimi
Nitsuj – Justin
Anastasia/Sebastian – Sarah

Badlands Session #8

Nobody in the party slept well that night, knowing that they smuggled a corpse into the fort. Coming down for early breakfast, Anastasia is greeted by the entire party sitting together, already deep in their cups.

Sketching out a plan, they decide that getting rid of the body as soon as Kharbaram opens up for the day. After a few mugs of strong dwarven ale, the sounds of the town opening up greets their ears.

A page throws open the door, peers across the room, and locks eyes on the adventurers’ and walks directly to them, holding an envelope in his hands.

“You have been summoned by Lord Reyny. You will find him in the tower. It would be in your best interest to not delay. You will need this.”, and hands over a paper envelope.

Galan opens up the envelope, “It only says Lord Reyny – this must be our letter of introduction”.

Deciding to see Lord Reyny before they see Kharbaram, they had to the tower.

The tower is surrounded by a high wall. Two armed solders guard the gate. Seeing through the barred gate, the courtyard is bathed in sunlight. Flowers, shrubs, and children are spotted. You can hear sounds of spring, though outside the courtyard pockets of snow are underfoot. Strange magic indeed.

Galan hands the letter to the approaching guard and presently the adventurer’s are guided into the courtyard toward the main tower.

An older man opens the tower door. He is sharply dressed, older but not frail. He is human, moderate in height. “Welcome! I am Lord Reyny. I do not see many visitors. A bard came through here a few days ago singing of your tales. I had to see for myself. You certainly look capable. I have need for for someone capable & discrete.

Asking to hear about their tales, the party recounts their adventures, mixing truth with some fiction. Morgane attempted to mislead Reyny by saying they were simple pilgrims but Reyny saw through it.

Reyny, satisfied that the party was up to his request, asks them to spy on Kharbaram. “That dwarven company has been stealing from the treasury. He has been smuggling out artifacts. I know it, but have been unable to prove it. He only hires dwarves and kobolds, and I don’t trust either of those.”

“If you spy on Kharbaram, your obligation in taxes will be considered paid in full. All you have to do is provide evidence of his evasion. Capture it on this “- he hands over a clear orb about 3” in diameter – “this will record what the orb sees.”

Discussing among themselves, the adventurers’ decide that it is in their best interest to do what Reyny asks. Galan asks if Reyny has any items that might be good for his request.

Reyny is excited at the idea of trading items and asks for one of his guards to bring the party’s weapons so they may trade, and hands the guard a small bag. After a few minutes, the guard returns. Taking the bag, Reyny pulls weapon, after weapon from this small white bag. Gwan, jaw hanging, is fascinated by how big items can come out of the small bag.

“Finally!” – the scene on the table is a dozen plus weapons of all shapes and sizes. Bartering no trades were to be made.

“I haven’t seen one of those in many generations!” Reyny excited proclaims a his thin fingers wrap around the small toy horse.

“Have you used this? I haven’t seen one of these since I was a small child”

Anastasia sheepishly responds that they know it is magical but not its purpose.

“Come outside, using this inside is not advisable”, and walks toward the door, gesturing for all to follow.

Muttering a single word into his cupped hands, he places the toy horse on the ground. Right before their eyes, the horse expands in size until the back of the horse is taller than 4 elves. The small horse expanded several times over in all aspects – the small wooden horse now is a large wooden toy horse.

Muttering a word into his cupped hands again, Reyny flicked his fingers at the toy, and it shrinks to the original small size.

“I love to hear about adventures. I pay top coin for my monster collection. Bring me live animals, dead animals, parts, or even descriptions of strange beasts. I am creating a compendium of beasts. You look like you could fill out a few pages for me. Alas, I have a work to do, please excuse me”, Reyny nods to each in the party, and gestures for the guards to escort you out of the courtyard.

Remembering that they still have a dead Locke to deal with, Morgane heads to the taverns’ cellar/basement to fetch the cart and corpse, meeting the rest of the party at Kharbaram’s.

“Aye, that is my cousin, Locke. I never liked him much. Telling my wife that her cousin is dead… I do not look forward to tonight and tellin’ her.” – Kharbaram grumbles. “You did find my cousin, but I need to know what’s inside. Gold, gems, artifacts, I have lots of cousins.” (you notice that when he talks of gold, his eyes sparkle like gems themselves).

Reluctantly, the adventurers head back to the cave, warned about the Benar Brothers. Being escorted with their weapons to the town entrance, Galan works his charm, and beguiles the guard out of the magical bag that held their weapons.

“This town has a lot of factions – I miss the simple life – knowing how are your friends and who are your enemies. I don’t trust Kharbaram, and I certainly do not trust Reyny” – Sebastian frustratedly spits out as he carefully avoids the ice along the path.

Arriving at the entrance to the mine, the party finds evidence of another group ahead.

Venturing inside, the party checks for those creatures that would attack from above. Avoiding these, they make it to the inner door – pushed open a few feet.

Inside the cavern is massive. There are carved paths into the side of the cavern. The cavern has a very high ceiling, so high that the top cannot be made out. Looking down over the edge, lava occupies the bottom.

Hearing noise ahead, the party runs into a group of dwarves, around a bleeding dwarf.

“Who are you??!”, one of the dwarves barks out, holding up a mining pick menacingly.

“We are the backup. (coughing into her hand to disguise the name) Binar thought you could use some security” – Morgane offers to the miners.

“Ah yes, I seem to remember they were going to send backup. We expected you in about a week – glad you are here. We are miners, not fighters. “

Moving ahead of the dwarves, the adventurers are surprised by long cave worms with four tendrils that pull their prey into their mouth.

Anastasia almost lost her life as two cave worms each grabbed an arm, trying to pull the tiny halfling into their awaiting mouth. She barely escapes with her life. Her arms to this day, still bear the scars of the cave worm attack.

Quaffing a few healing potions Anastasia, feeling refreshed, scouts ahead. She is rewarded with niches carved into rough rock wall – finding several gems, and a black metal kris with a ruby in the pommel. Galan puts all the treasure into his newly acquired bag. The bag seems to always have room in it.

A large solid golden statue is the reward for clearing out of room of large beetles. Anastasia pulls out the orb and attempting to document the treasures by holding it above her head. The miners look at Anastasia with great distrust, as she performs this bizarre act.

“Hmm… I should work this into a costume to be more discrete”, Anastasia whispers into Sebastian’s ear.

The adventures work their way further deep, following the carved rock paths. Meanwhile the miners head to the top of the entrance, preventing being flanked. The air is hot, the smell of sulfur is strong as they push deeper in. Scouting movement, Anastasia reports that there are several creatures, taller than a human, with white eyes, holding axes.

Unfortunately, Galan was detected, and many Grimlocks poured to find their meal. Between the dwarves warning the party about the grimlocks coming from top, and Anastasia’s Wand of Magic Missiles, the grimlocks are put down.

Investigating the very bottom of the lava, there is an island in the center of the lava with what looks a golden statue of a dwarf, larger than life 3-4x larger than a dwarf. The golden statue is holding a book and a hammer.

Unable to get to the gold statue, the party heads back to the entrance.

Morgane offers a plan to the miners, breaking bread with with them. Unbeknownst to the dwarves, Morgane cast Putrify Food, causing the dwarves to have digestion issues. The dwarves, unable to ride back to Fort Noscar stay behind as the party heads back to town.

Badlands Session #7

Determined to find someone that might know about the black shiny rock that seem so important to the cultists and their use of the undead, the party decides to try the blacksmith.

The dwarven blacksmith, taken back by the number of humans in the party, manages to get out a salutation. Being nice to all, he takes a look at the rock, rocks it back and forth, even taps on it with his hammer.

“Never seen anything like it before – it feels nice in your hands though. If I were you, I would ask Kharbaram – he runs the Kharbaram & Sons mining company. They have been mining here several centuries – if it comes from here, I’d wage an ale or two that they know about it.”

Morgane leaves a gold piece for his time, and everyone heads down the street as per the directions by the smith.

Kharbaram & Sons has a small sign out front – two hammers crossed like an x. It is very dwarf looking. The building is made out of the same rock as the walls – very smooth and pale. This is the nicest building on the street. Everything is of highest quality – not gaudy – just high quality.

Morgane just barely misses thumping her head on the door frame as she enters the building. Initial conversation with the secretary did not lead to progress. As luck would have it, Kharbaram himself, hearing talk of gold, came from the rear of the office.

Upon seeing the hunk of rock, Kharbaram’s face goes pale – a rare feat for a dwarf.

“I don’t want to talk about it. If I were ye’ I would toss that rock off the side of the mountain and be done wit it.” – Kharbaram grimly grumbles.

Wanting answers about this rock, Anastasia asks if they may do something for Kharbaram to earn his trust. Stroking his beard for a few moments, Kharbaram says that he is missing a scouting party. Agreeing finding the party, Kharbaram fills them in what he knows about the missing scouting party.

“You see, up here, you lease plots of land to mine. Most of the good veins have been tapped out, but there is still good money to be made in the mining business. The real money though… the real money is in artifacts. There must have been a dwarven city long forgotten under these mountains. I have been here 200 years – I have never even heard about a dwarven city in this area. Regardless – sometimes if the Ancient ones cast favor upon you – you find an old dwarven tunnel. I have found old dwarven ruins. I have pulled treasure out – gems, gold, sometimes weapons. Maybe I shouldn’t be plundering from my ancestors. But I sleep well enough at night. ” – Kharbaram mutters. You can see bits of breakfast, embedded in his fiery red beard.

“My cousin, Locke, leads my surveying team. We are looking into a plot of land to lease. There is no good way to get to this land without cutting through Binar’s land. We came into some knowledge about an entrance marked by dwarven-like runes. I sent Locke to investigate. I expected him back days ago. The bidding ends Monday morning – sunrise. I don’t really miss Locke to be honest, but I don’t want to waste my money on bidding on a mountain of regular rock. I tell you what – if you find Locke and investigate the entrance, letting me know if I should bid, I might be trust ye’ a bit more. Maybe a few good ales I might tell ye’ about that rock ye’ holden. “

Agreeing to his terms, the party is handed a surveying sketch, including parcel boundaries. Drawing his finger along a dotted line, he emphatically states that this is Benar Brothers’ land. Trespassing is heavily punished. Spying is a capital crime. If caught, Kharbaram will not come to your aid stating that you would be better off on your own.

Informing Gwan and Sebastian to meet them on the eastern gate, they head out – following the map. Along the trail crudely marked into the sketch, they encounter a party of dwarves fighting an monster they had only heard of before. The spider was nearly translucent – as if crafted with ice. The height with all legs on the ground is nearly 10 feet tall. Thin icy legs are accented with razor sharp barbs along the tips. Two dwarves are entombed in icy webs, frozen solid.

Wading into combat cautious, the party watches the two sides fight to the death. Both parties take heavy amounts of damage – legs broken off, dwarves bitten and slowly freezing solid.

Coming to the aid of the dwarves, the ice spider is put down with significant amounts of magic deployed. Anastasia deployed her recently found Wand of Magic Missiles with great skill – blowing off legs with each use of the wand.

The sole survivor of the dwarven party explains that their employer, the Benar Brothers had heard rumors of trespassing. They had been sent here to investigate. Not used to combat, combined with the loss of his team, the dwarf excuses himself from the scene and rides home.

Wanting to make use of the daylight, the party pushes forward. Around a bend of they encounter a mother wolf and her two pups feeding upon a corpse. Galan scales the rocky cliff above the feeding beasts. Visualizing a very successful attack in his mind, he drops from above, pinning the mother wolf to the ground – driving his sword through the back and spiking it to the ground. The baby pups, hearing their mother’s back break, flee. The party is able to pick off one of the pups.

The corpse is indeed dwarf – the size confirms it. The body is badly damaged, and no distinguishing features remain. Amid the carnage are a few broken crates. Sifting through the debris you find the stamped Kharotum & Brother’s crossed hammers on a crate panel.

Pushing deeper into the mountain, behind some very precarious paths, the mountain yields an entrance. The opening is framed in fitted stone with dwarven looking runes carved into all around. The door is constructed out of tightly fitted stone banded with thick black iron. The door is open.

Inside is a large room with a black and white checkerboard floor. The stonework is very high quality. Across the floor is a dwarf pinned to the floor by some rock. Large pillars line the room. Moving farther in, you see another dwarf slumped over dead, his head crushed in by falling rock.

Morgane notices a falling rock detach from the ceiling and fall right towards Anastasia’s head. “Heads up! MOVE Anastasia! – she belts out.

Unfortunately the warning came too late, as a large rock detaches and lands squarely on her shoulder, causing considerable pain. Looking up, the ceiling is covered with these rock creatures – a few of them have “eyes” that open up, and detach, hoping to digest a meal.

Avoiding them, at the end of the room is a slumped over dwarf, lying in a dark red pool. Working their way over carefully, avoiding ceiling monsters, they get to the dwarf. He lies slumped against thick iron doors. His chest has a large deep cut, through the rib cage. A backpack near the dwarf holds a journal with the name Locke written on the spine. There are also business receipts for Kharbaram and Sons.

Assuming this is Locke, they load the body into a cart, and head back to the fort. Along the way, they encounter some ice covered devil looking creatures. Rumor has it that ice devils guard treasure so the party decided to take their chances.

The ice devils put up a great challenge but overcome. Searching the area, Anastasia finds a hole in the rock angled down. Being brave, she reaches into the hole, prepared for the worst. Instead she is rewarded it is a short blackened spear.

Guided by the clear moonlight, the party make it back to the fort without further encounters. Being still wound up, the party go towards the nearest bar.

The party stashes the body in the back in the cellar, and go to sleep, prepared to deal with Kharbaram in the morning.

Badlands Session #6

The party is found deep into their cups at the tavern. A lyrical note catches the ears of the patrons. For a few copper, the bard sings the tale of the party – perhaps a little inappropriate given the losses everyone has taken recently.

Noticing a new face in the tavern, Anastasia heads over with a mug of ale, and offers it to the stranger.

“My name is Nitsuj. I am a healer. I am just traveling through and stopped here for the night.”

“Your clothes are very distinctive. I could tell you weren’t from around here. Just be warned, we have been fighting the undead. This area is not safe.”, Anastasia warns, the words delivered with sadness. “We are adventurers ourselves. You are welcome to join us. A healer is always welcome – consider joining us. The Anointed One has fated our paths to cross. A blessing indeed! “

“I come from the desert, heading west.”, Nitsuj quietly replies, rubbing his chin between sips of ale. “I will join you.”

Everyone heads to their bed with the plan of meeting with Brother Godwinn at first light.

Unfortunately, Brother Godwinn could provide no additional guidance, despite days of fasting and prayer. Nor had he heard word from Arwel. Frustrated, Godwinn sits in the nearest pew, landing heavy. Apoqulis declares that he will stay and dutifully help the town. “There are few seasoned warriors left. My vows require me to defend the weak. I will remain here, putting my experience to good use. Rest assured, we will share a keg of good Dwarven upon your return! “.

After weighing their options, the party decides they will head to Noscar Fort, home to a dwarven mining company. Dwarves might know where the black glittery rock comes from.

Riding west upon the hard packed dirt road in a wagon stocked and provided by Apoqulis. Gwan, typical dwarf, threw a tantrum until he was allowed to ride in the wagon. The rest of the party take turns riding horses, or relaxing in the wagon until it sun starts to set. Sparkles of lights twinkle in the far distance. “That must be Cadon!”, notes Sebastian, as he points to the map.

Not wanting to risk riding into a town late at night, the party camps for the night just off the road. All through the night, the party felt like they were being watched, but other than the feeling, they could see or hear nothing out of the ordinary.

At first dawn, it is discovered that a sack of food has been stolen from the wagon – a few cat like prints left in the mud. The foot prints head toward the treeline where the the trail is lost.

As the party starts toward the town, a rider is spotted riding toward them. Pleasantries exchanged, the party is informed that the hamlet ahead is indeed Cadon. Asked about the undead, the man chuckled at the idea that the undead were real and not just scary stories. When told that they were indeed real, the man nearly fell off his horse. Pointing down the road toward town, he excitedly blurts out, “We are going to have a stoning today! I am really sad I am going to miss it, but I have to get to Old Morgansfort. We have the murderers chained in the city, if you hurry you can throw a stone or two.”

Telling the man that Old Morgansfort is under undead siege, the man turns around and rides back to town, offering the party conversation.

Dropping the party off at the mayor’s house – Iden Artys greets the party warily asking if the party are pilgrims heading to Noscar Fort. Eventually the conversation leads to the chained human teenage, and older woman in the center of the town.

“They are being held for trial. They are charged with the murder of their neighbor’s farmhand, Galius. As local law dictates, they will be tried, judged, and punishment rendered. The trial starts very soon, stick around if you want to see the fate of these two.” – Mayor Artys gleefully says.

Asking about the parliamentary procedures, the party declares they will represent the charged, Marget, and her son Kendon. They quickly investigate the assumed murder scene, and Galius’ house.

Upon the trial start, 3 people are elected to the jury by drawing stones. The prosecutor makes a convincing case. Anastasia equally delivers a convincing case. During the trial, Morgane perceives that Kendon is hiding something. Casting command, she compels Kendon to tell the truth – whatever the consequences could be.

Kendon, eyes glazed over, admits to killing Galius. He had discovered that her mother and Galius had been having an affair, disgracing the family name.

Anastasia successfully argues that Kendon be sentenced to conscription in the defense of Old Morgansfort.

Continuing west, the terrain gains elevation, forcing the party to leave the wagon by the side of the road. Hearing children’s voices, and a yipping off road, Anastasia sneaks over to investigate. She sees several children throwing stones and sticks at a kobold. A bear trap’s teeth are dug deep into the thigh of the adolescent kobold’s leg. Anastasia, pitying the creature, springs out from behind the log, screaming at the children. Scared, the children flee into the tree line and disappear from sight.

Gwan heads over to the sound, sees the trapped kobald and reads his mace to finish off the creature. Anastasia yells at him to stop, and reaches down, and releases the trap, pulling his damaged leg clear of the teeth. Anastasia asks Morgane to heal the kobold. Morgane’s hand glows as she touches the wound. Instantly the damaged leg, rejuvenates.

“Klip Kip”, the kobald yips out, hands beating against his chest. Pointing at Anastasia – “Master, you master”, and runs over and wraps his arms around Anastasia’s legs.

“You have a pet now! Good luck with that flea infested beast!”, Gwan roars with delight. Anastasia retorts that a flea infested kobald is still cleaner than a dwarf. After several grueling hours of hiking on foot they come across a dwarf talking to a group of pilgrims, wearing orange and red robe over their coats.

“10 silver each, or you take the long way.. very treacherous. Icy. Very dangerous. Your choice”, the dwarf tells the pilgrims. The pilgrims, plead that they they have no money, and head the more dangerous way, heads hung.

Bargaining with the dwarf to allow them passage across the bridge, as well as stable their horses, the party agrees. Crossing the bridge, they look down and can see tattered orange and red material embedded partially in the ice – dangerous path indeed.

Noscar Fort’s smooth stone walls come into view. The walls look to be 10 to 12 feet tall. The smoothness of the stone combined with the cold would make scaling them near impossible. This is a very defensible fort. A greeting party marches out to greet them.

“Hate to tell you folks but no weapons are allowed in the fort. Period. You can check them in the guard house. Or you can stay out here. Either way, no weapons in the fort.

It would be wise of you to steer clear of the dwarves. They are an unfriendly bunch, especially when drunk. No fighting. I warned you. “

Not wanting to leave their weapons with the captain of the guard, the party leaves Gwan, Klip Kip, and Sebastian outside. Exploring the fort, the party finds the Temple of St. Rodin, patron saint of miners. Heading to the market, they sell their furs, and buy warmer gear for the elements.

Badlands Session #5

Once again, the party finds themselves in the chapel at the summons of Brother Godwinn. Locking the 2 large oak doors into the temple, he beckons the party to sit with him.

For a price of a few ales, Gwan will happily spin this tale of what happened next: “It was… it… it is… The world… The world is not as your eyes see it. Imagine what you see being painted on a canvas. I see a small hole get larger on this canvas. First one finger pokes through the hole, then a second. The fingers tear at the hole, making it larger. The sound of the world tearing… it sounded like ripping a shirt trying to get to your lover as quickly as possible. Before my very eyes, a pair of long, very shapely legs stepped through. Let me tell you, those legs were not the only thing that was easy on my tired eyes. You have to believe me, she said she was over a thousand years old, I wouldn’t believe that one bit…Her black hair was long, nearly to her waist. A large owl, black as a moonless night, large eyes taking in everything sits upon her shoulder.”

She introduced herself as Arwel Arlon, and her feathered companion, Whiskers.

“Whiskers was not always this form.” – she offhandedly explains.

After listening to Godwinn’s dream, and pondering a moment, she walks to the front door, unlocking it from many paces away with a swift movement of her left hand, proceeding right through the still opening doors without even breaking stride.

Going outside, they see Whiskers launch off Arwel’s shoulder, each powerful flap of his wings, taking him further north.

Arwel pulls a crystal stone out of a pouch, and holds it out. A view of the forest from above comes into focus. You realize that you are looking through the eyes of her owl. With near full moon’s light, identifying landmarks is easy. Locating the ring of stones, and then the mausoleum, the view expands north. A pillar of light from the ground, dominates the horizon, slowly piercing through the clouds. Just as in the dream, the bright light from the moon is smothered.

Asking for a map, she pencils in the light’s origin.

“I have guild matters to attend to. I cannot afford you any more time. I am interested in your investigation – you have my aid.

Trust Godwin. I fought alongside him half century ago. You should have seen him then…. a powerful mage, rendering those before no more.

I did not think they would return so soon. 50 years of peace. The undead are not unlike a fire, very dangerous when left unattended. I’ll return when my matters are concluded. Fairwell – good luck. “, Arwel’s bluntly states as the room darkens and she steps back through her magical portal.

Deciding that investigating the source of the light should be their top priority, the party gears up to head out at first light. Half a day hard riding they locate a hill that looks it could be the source. Scrambling up the hill, Sebastian and Elvis find 3 large stones with symbols chiseled deeply in the stone. Nobody in the party had seen anything like them, including the elves.

Investigating a stone structure to the south west Anastasia pokes around. After giving the all clear, the group finds an open door to an old structure built into the side of the hill – appearing to be mausoleum.

Still investigating, Anastasia finds freshly dug up coffins along the hallways, dirt still clinging to the decaying wooden boxes. Breaking them open to search for treasure, they come across a room with many types of musical instruments sitting on dusty shelves.

A tomb featuring a large piece of red glass is noticed along the back wall.

“We already robbed a few coffins today, what’s a few more?!”, Gwan grumbles, still nursing a hangover. Confident that there were no traps, Anastasia with help, pushes the lid off the sarcophagus. A musical number escapes the lid, and the all the instruments come to life, playing as if in the hands of an orchestra. Feeling a strong compulsion to dance and sing along, unable to stop.

Attracted by singing, several undead come to investigate and are quickly dispatched. Wanting to know where these undead came from, they find in the room one over, a human cultist wearing a black robe with purple trim. He wears a talisman around his neck inset with a black stone that glitters with light as it moves.

Combat erupts. Wearing the recently deceased cultist’s robe & talisman Elvis goes exploring hoping to fit in. Anastasia, wanting to provide Elvis backup, slips into the darkness and out of sight.

Coming back and giving the party the all clear, they advance into a room with a device that has no apparent purpose. A 8 pointed star is laid into the stonework. From around that star, columns rise from the ground to the roof, looking like a cage. Under 5 of the columns, corpses are positioned with their backs to the pillars. Each column has faucet with tubes and carvings. Along the inside of the pillars are carved runes. Heads are contorted upward, open mouths positioned under a faucet. There are several wheel barrows along the wall, fresh dirt still left in the tray.

Hearing voices coming their way, the party shelters in room. Elvis and Anastasia volunteer to keep an eye out.

Returning to the room of corpses, a grisly scene unfolds. A human cultist, wearing a black robe with purple trim, complete with medallion is chanting in arcane tongue, precise crisp hand movements leaving trails of light. His assistant loads another two corpses against the pillars, opening their mouths and positioning their heads.

When satisfied, the chanting intensifies, growing in volume. A burst of light shoots from the floor, piercing through the roof of the structure, staying for less than a minute. During this time, thick red liquid flows down the channels cut into the pillars from the ceiling, out the faucet into the awaiting mouths of the dead. Groaning, the dead begin to rise, each gathering strength and standing. The assistant leads the undead out the door, closing it behind him. The cultist, face drenched in sweat, leaves the room to the south.

Reporting back, the party decides to explore further. They find a large room with a massive tomb, richly adorned. Taking everyone to push the lid off, they are rewarded with a skeleton wearing a silk robe. A massive 2-handed maul rests beside the bones. The hammer is beautifully crafted, with black leather wraps, and gold runes hammered in.

Exploring deeper, the party holes up until Elvis can scout ahead. Walking with great confidence, avoiding undead, he opens a door to find a room corpse on the floor with a silver shallow bowl on their chest. It is filled with liquid. A red circle is drawn around the corpse, candles placed every few feet providing light. Upon gazing at the silver liquid, Elvis is transfixed. A voice echoes into his mind, probing Elvis for answers about his reasons for being here.

Focusing his mind, Elvis breaks free from the gaze, feeling mentally violated. Along the wall are large, clear glass vessels. The glass is stained red.

Returning back the party, everyone moves out and spots a group of undead. Coming up with a creative plan involving a protection from undead 10′ and flasks of oil and holy water quickly dispatches the undead.

Elvis, ever confident in his disguise proceeds to scout. He runs into a cultist that looks like he is the leader. Striking up a conversation with the leader, Elvis pretends it is his first day on the cultist job.

Meanwhile the party tries to open up more coffins and tombs. Some yield treasure, others dust. While Anastastia was investigating a tomb with the same red transparent stone, Gwan impatiently pushes her to the side, lifts the lid, and triggers a loud alarm – so loud it deafened everyone for several minutes.

“Named Malahazzar. Not much for chatting.” Elvis boldly states. Knowing that their protection scroll was still active, they decide to hunt out the undead. Advancing ahead, Anastasia locates a group of 6 skeletons. Between turning the undead and the protection scroll, the undead are put down, but not before the lead cultist joins the fray.

“That’s him! That’s Malahazzar! Be careful, he wears leather under those robes!” – Elvis shouts over the sounds of melee.

Malahazzar pulls a scroll out and invokes it – dead rise up animated. Pulling out another, reading with a calmness, his image is fractured into 5 mirror images. The fight is punctuated by Elvis landing a massive haymaker – knocking Malahazzar dead.

Looting all the corpses, they pile them up in the musical instrument room, using the instruments as kindling. After the fire takes off, Sebastian adds the elixir – the flame turning a deep green as it burns cremation hot. Like before, deep black clouds of smoke begin to choke the party out. Dropping to their knees they head to the exist, as timbers begin to catch and the sound of the flame consuming behind them.

Badly exhausted by their combat heavy adventure, their clothes wet with blood, they head back to town, greatly needing rest and healing.

While heading back, Apoqulis examines one of the scrolls found. Figuring it to be a treasure map, upon arrival at town, Apoqulis grabs some tools. A few hours later, covered in dirt and mud, he hauls up a sack full of loot.

“Turns out this is a treasure map. The symbols are combined. – the treasure was only a few miles from here – I grew up near here. I knew exactly where to look. I played there as a kid.”

Wore out, the party sends word to Godwinn that they have returned, and rent rooms for the night.


  • Elvis – Bishop
  • Anastasia/Sebastian – Sarah
  • Morgane/Gwan – Mimi


  • 322 xp human / 293 XP Non-Human
  • Purple silk robe, human sized (unidentified – magical)
  • Copper ring (unidentified – magical)
  • Maul +2 “Heavenly Vengeance” – Black Metal with black leather wraps. Symbols are stamped & embossed in gold up and down the shaft.
  • Shield +1
  • Leather Armor +1
  • Ring of Protection +2
  • Short Sword +1
  • Wand of Magic Missile (9 charges remain)
  • [mage] Scroll of Stoneskin
  • [mage] Scroll of Invisibility
  • [mage] Scroll of Slow
  • [mage] Scroll of Knock
  • [mage] Scroll of Fireball x2
  • [cleric] Scroll of Stone to Flesh
  • Spell book [web, invisibility, ventriloquism]
  • Protection from Evil
  • Protection from Undead
  • [cleric] Cure Disease
  • [cleric] Resist Cold
  • Potion [unidentified]
  • Potion [unidentified]
  • Gems (if sold): 2,840 g
  • Jewelry (if sold): 1,932 g
  • 1,820 g, 600 p

Badlands Session #4

After a long day of back breaking work repairing the repealed undead attack damage, our adventures are found feasting & drinking in their favorite (and only) tavern. “Brother Godwinn would like to see them at first light!”, the young boy proclaims from the tavern doorway. Upon noticing sheer number of empty mugs on the table, adds – “If yee remember this at all!”. Gwan half jumps up, knocking beer all over the table, shouts back, “We’ll be therrrrrrrree”.

Meeting Brother Godwinn just as the sun rose starts to break the horizon, pleasantries are exchanged. He immediately launches into a very dynamic reenactment of his reoccurring dream. “My Lord is speaking to me… I don’t what it means.”

“There is a hill illuminated by a full moon. A bright column of light pierces the sky – all the way to heaven. Once the light passes through the clouds, symbols fly out of top of the hill like bats escaping a well. I do not recognize the symbols though – they feel ancient to me. The symbols morph between colors and shapes – sinister looking – a feeling of dread. The clouds turn black – the moon even darker – darker than blackness. I always wake up drenched in sweat, heart racing, feeling like my soul has been tainted. I should have told you earlier, but I didn’t want to send you on a fool’s errand. Does this mean anything to you?”, the priest asks.

After a few minutes of discussion, this dream didn’t lead to any clues like the previous. “Maybe my Lord will deliver unto me more direction with more intense fasting and prayer. I keep thinking about that full moon. A full bright moon being swallowed into complete darkness. The next full moon is just 3 nights away!”

“Between not sleeping, I sent word of the town’s fight against the undead, undead that I thought we destroyed long ago. How destroying the black altar seemed to turn the tides of battle, to my old guild, The Order of Flame. I just received a message from them. Turns out the surname Starlis means something. They were a very old family that lived in this area as best they could tell ~500 years ago”, he says as he hands you a map. “Here is a map of where their mausoleum should be, according to old tax records. Head this way (as he points with his finger), then when you see a big circle of stones, head due west. “

As the party mounts up to ride out, the priest reminds them, “Remember, a full moon is soon. Time is most precious! Here are some potions to help!”, and hands the nearest rider 3 healing potions. “These are special healing potions – their healing power decreases a little each day – within a week they will be rendered inert!”.

Along the road, the party encountered 2 wagons that had a peculiar payload. The payload was a young boy, wrapped up in canvas. The parents tell a sad story that the party listens to: their son a few days ago developed a fever and passed away. Before the child was able to be buried, his body started to move. Convinced that an unholy spirit had inhabited the body of their son, the family wrapped the boy in a large piece of sailcloth to prevent him from clawing at them, and are traveling to the nearest priest – Brother Godwinn in Old Morgansfort. Story told, each party continues their way, not wanting to tell the grieving family that the boy was now undead, not possessed by a spirit. Undead have not been seen in this area in more than many generations – parents tell children of undead as a way to get them to go to bed.

After following the map, they come across an old mausoleum in fairly poor condition. The front stone doors had been smashed in, broken into many small pieces. It appeared some amount of activity had recently been happening based on the trampling of foliage. Inside, there were many sarcophagi – many with the covers smashed in, some with the lids slightly ajar, and a few with the tops securely attached.

The party decided to explore the unopened coffins first. Taking 3 strong people lift it enough to slide it off, a pungent sickening smell escapes, nauseating all, forcing them to their knees, coughing spastically. During the coughing spell, the lid dropped, and broke. A necrotic ooze blobs out of the coffin.

After several intense rounds of combat, the goo was put down, and the coffin was checked. Treasure was found. The remaining 3 unopened coffins had similar goo waiting them as well as treasure in each one. Holy water was effective. These goos, when hit hard enough, would split into two smaller goos. The clerics in the party could not turn the undead goo, but felt that they were indeed within the presence of undead.

After dispatching all the goos, and most of their spells, the party decides to check out the coffins with the lids slightly ajar. These lids were even heavier than the sealed sarcophagi. A thick metal band ran all round, with braids of copper adorning the fancy ornate glasswork.

Legs braced to push with all their might, the lid just barely budges a loud “click” is heard. “Oh shit!”, mutters Morgane, as a powerful electrical charge arcs from the metal band, blasting everyone back a few feet. Taking lots of damage, the party divide up their healing potions and imbibe. Searching the resting place, they indeed find treasure. The subsequent sarcophagus again dealt them a fierce shock. Getting tired of being shocked, Sebastian asks, “What if we insulate our hands with some sort of cloth?” – a few minutes later – the lid slides off, even though they heard the click. Each coffin yielded treasure, magical and monetary.

Exhausting all spells, and healing potions, Gwan, being touched in the head, decides to explore the final unchecked tomb. It is the largest sarcophagus, and the most ornate. Getting on his knees and brushing the dust off the name, he makes out a name. The first name was not readable but the letters “arlis” was easy to read. Gwan continues to dust off the stone looking for more clue. A ghastly presence is felt – followed by a ghostly being rising directly through the cover of the tomb.

“Who are you?!? This is my place. This is my family’s place. You are not a Starlis. You do not belong. Trespasser.”, as a bony looking finger is raised and pointed over the party.

“Who are you? My name is Sebastian – we intend you no harm”, asks Sebastian.

“I haven’t spoken to living soul in so many generations. I am the 15th of the house of Starlis. Mauta is the name given to me…”

“We are not trespassers. We are trying to stop an undead invasion. We are trying to help….” Morgane gasps out between waves of fear at seeing this specter.

“You are the first living being I have felt in more than 500 years. You are robbers! I was buried with my shield. It has protected me for so long. Where is it?” as he points to an indention where something rested on the sarcophagus’ top. “You are grave robbers. Give it back to me!!!!”, Mauta’s ghostly voice echoes, and begins to scream. As the scream gets louder and louder, the ghostly body starts to look more solid. Flesh seemly starts to grow on this ghastly body.

Fleeing for their lives, the party runs out of the tomb as quickly as possible.

“Get to the horses and ride!” someone screams during the exodus.

“Zombies!!!”, someone yells.

“Careful! They are everywhere!!!”, another yells.

A sicking scream echo off the hills. Peering over shoulders, galloping at full speed, the party sees Bork pulled off his horse by the pack of undead . Even more disgusting is the silence that quickly follows. Knowing that Bork is gone, the party decides the should find a safe place to camp. Taking turns at watch a few hours of restless sleep is acquired.

Hoping to find the body of their comrade to give him a proper burial (and prevent him from rising as undead), a brisk ride brings them back to the sad scene. The body of Bork is partially chewed on, being loaded onto a sled. The sled carried two large glass vessels with a dark red thick liquid.

A plan is laid out, and executed. After the dust settles, all the undead, plus Bork are burned to ash. Not wanting to tangle with Mauta Starlis, ghost or not, they ride back to tell Godwinn what they found.

Treasures found:

  • Gems/Gold/Jewelry: 1727 gold (if sold)
  • A small wooden figurine of a horse (magical)
  • Chainmail +1
  • Mace +1, +2 vs Giants (named “Giantsbane”)
  • 17 +1 arrows
  • Potion of Healing
  • Mage: Scroll of Stoneskin
  • Any: Protection from lycanthropes
  • Cleric: Scroll of [Remove Fear, Speak with Animals]
  • Mage: Scroll of [sleep, protection from evil]
  • Cleric: Scroll of [Protection from Evil, Sleep]
  • Cleric: Scroll of [Bless, Remove Curse]
  • Small Map
  • Bronze Ring (magical, unknown)
  • Recipe book with unreadable symbols/codes

Badlands Session #3

Bloodied and battered, the party decides that they need to rest for a few hours while spells are cast, and bandages applied. They hole up in a bedroom that looked like it hasn’t been used in quite some time due to the thick layer of dust.

For the 8 hours the party rested, splitting time between sleeping, healing, praying, and keeping watch. During that time, the party heard much activity as day faded into night.

Sounds of construction echoed throughout the stone halls. Clanging of shovels, pickaxes rang throughout the break. Additionally, the party could hear things being dragged, wood on stone.

Just as the party decided that they had rested enough, they heard a halfling voice scream for help. Gwan, being slightly slow in the mind, decided to poke his head out and see what all the commotion was before anyone could stop him. Opening the door, Gwan sees a small halfling being dragged, hands and feet bound down the corridor. Responding in pure rage, Gwan attacks the two undead dragging this living being.

Dispatching the guards, and freeing the prisoner, pleasantries were exchanged. Introduced as “Elvis”, the party decided adding another adventurer couldn’t hurt, especially one with mage ability.

Together, they party decided they should get back to town to report what they found. Sneaking around the corridors, they spot Gwendolyn, Kardon’s daughter they were hired to rescue. Sending the rogue to shadow Gwendolyn, much information is discovered:

  • The well that was discovered earlier had been opened up to be much larger. This must have been the sounds of construction that was heard all night. The bottom of this well was a grisly sight: fresh corpses were being dumped from above, landing with a sickening thud. The rogue observed several bodies being dumped, bringing the count of the corpses to well over a dozen bodies.
  • A skeleton was seen dragging a sled down the corridor with 3 very large glass beakers of red-thick liquid. This looked similar to the items they found earlier in the laboratory.
  • Gwendolyn seemed to be free to walk around the undead without fear of being hurt…

As the party followed Gwendolyn, she dipped into the room that houses the black altar they discovered earlier. Saril, the hand maiden, upon seeing her lady disappear from sight, runs to catch up. Choosing to rush into the room without knowing what is to discovered, the party turn the corner to see a gruesome display.

A caster stood in the corner, performing arcane rituals – a freshly dead corpse lay upon the altar, limbs bending in ways they do not normally bend. The skeleton who dragged the sled with the urns of red liquid are unloading the urns near the altar.

Gwendolyn doesn’t even acknowledge the party’s entrance. Now that she is closer, the party is able to see that she is undead. You can see flesh starting to decay, the skin so transparent that you can see the muscle underneath. The smell of death in this room is familiar.

“I am Zelinth Starlis – you will not stop me. This is my families right…”. After a very difficult few rounds of combat, Starlis casts invisibility. The adventurers lose track of him in the fray, and one of the mages spots a chalice being dipped into the urn, filled with the red liquid and then being poured into the mouth of the corpse on the altar. A few moments later, arms and legs begin to twitch. The invisible being drops the chalice, its deed done and attempts to escape.

Luckily, Elvis using his big brain, grabs some dust/dirt from the corner of the room and blowing it over the room, landing on the invisible caster. Now that the mage is visible, the party quickly dispatched the caster. Very pleased with their performance, they loot all the bodies, and drag all the corpses they can find and pile them on the altar. Gathering up damaged furniture, and burnable items, they create a funeral pyre, set it on fire, and add a half bottle of the elixir that Godwinn gave them earlier. Within moments, the fire turns blue-green, and quickly consumes the corpses.

After a few minutes, the altar cracks from the intense heat. The amulet’s red glow subsides. Surprisingly, the hammer vibrates, glows light yellow, and slowly fades.

However, the fire quickly gets out of control, and black bellows of smoke quickly force the party to escape before they expire. Barely outrunning the flames, fleeing to the well room, they get a grappling hook up, working as a team, they barely escape before the fire completely engulfs the building. Trying to get to the front door from the outside, it is clear that the fire is burning through the entire building. Without spell protection, it is impossible to go back into the building.

Making their way back to town, they are greeted by a very bloody scene. While the party was looking for the source of evil, the town was in a battle for their survival. Around the town are evidences of terrible combat. While the town won the fight, the cost was very high as townsfolk bodies are tossed onto burning pyres. Upon the destruction of the altar, many of the undead just collapsed to the ground, no longer animated. This allowed the town to overcome the remaining undead putting them down with what remained of the defenses. Brother Godwinn is spotted performing funeral rites, and tells you to meet him later.

Kardon is sought out and the sad tale of his daughter is told. He asks the party if a proper burial is possible. Upon being told no, that she was burned on the altar to prevent further reanimation, Kardon is distraught. He agrees to pay the amount agreed upon, and the handmaiden joins him at his side. A few hours later, a messenger brings the party a huge sack of gold from Kardon. Apparently, he had extra gold, but was not willing to spend all of it to rescue his daughter and blames himself.

After a few hours, everyone meets again at the church. Godwinn heals all the hurt members, and listens to their story.

The party asks him to identify items – Godwinn, a cleric, normally has no ability to do so, but said he will pray upon it.

In the morning, Godwinn seeks out the party, gives them their identified items, and tells them that he has had another vision, and believes he knows where the source of evil is.

Badlands: Session #2

Group decides to town to resupply, and seek out advice from the local clergy in regards to undead.

The highest ranking priest in town introduces himself as Brother Godwinn. When you try to address him by his rank, he waves his hands, and says, “Please, my friends, I am just a simple man – I have given up titles long long ago. Please call me Godwinn, or if you must – Brother Godwinn.” Godwinn’s eyes glaze over as he remembers the past. You can almost see the memories being recalled through his facial expressions. Godwinn apparently was quite a renowned undead hunter. He told stories of his glory years, and offered the party some items and advice to combat the undead. The priest also laid a pretty heavy guilt trip upon the party as the orcs and raiders they killed have been reborn as undead – the party should take responsibility for their actions.

He offered 2 potions (one potion of heroism, one potion of healing), a magical hammer that he used in service many years ago. The war hammer is 1d6, but counts as a magical item, allowing damage to be dealt to creatures that are immune to normal damage. Additionally, once a day, the hammer can cast the spell “spiritual hammer”. He also provided a ring of detect evil (able to used once a day).

He also offered a ring of mirroring. As he placed the ring in the parties hands, he warns that this ring is very powerful but dangerous at the same time.

“When you cast a spell (once a day), you twist the ring as you are casting. After the spell goes off, the next round the ring will repeat the same spell, regardless of the outcome. Level 1 spells have a 90% chance of duplicating, Level 2 spells have a 50% chance of duplicating, Level 3 spells have a 10% chance of duplicating. Be careful, the energy must be directed. If you cast magic missile and wish to trigger the mirror ability, the first missile comes out, the next round, the caster’s turn is consumed as the ring must be directed. A copy of the first spell gets released. The caster can direct the missile at a foe, but if no foe is available, it must be targeted to a similar target. If you magic missile down an orc, and no orcs exist after the first missile, the missile will fizzle and strike the caster if undirected (although the mage may direct it into a nearby fighter, or NPC). Like I said, this can save lives, and sometimes it costs lives…”

He also was able to determine that a ring found during adventuring was a ring of protection +1.

He provided the party with 3 bottles of a special elixir that when added to a fire (when burning corpses) the fire burns at such an extreme temperature the flame turns blue-green and within minutes only ash will remain.

Advice wise, the priest offered the following:

  • The undead seem to keep coming back to life, burning their corpses should prevent their unholy resurrection.
  • As he was looking over the loot the party brought back, he noticed the silver dagger that was looted. He commented that a fatal blow caused by a silver weapon might prevent their reanimation.
  • He proposed that if burning corpses or silver weapons were unable, dipping the weapons in the viscous elixir that causes the fire to burn blue-green might deal the permanent death blow.

During the night, riders from different directions brought back reports of swarms of undead, far more than the party might have been responsible for. To see for themselves, the party ventured out and spotted hundreds of undead moving slowly (very slowly) toward the town.

Unable to defeat such a great number head on, they retreated to town. Great discussions were happening in town, ranging from abandoning the town, sending riders out in every direction begging for assistance, to strengthening the meager defenses the town had. In the end, the town decided to do several strategies: shore up the defenses, and send out riders.

The party rolled up with sleeves to pitch in and was interrupted by an alter boy that said the head priest needed to see them immediately. The high priest had been fasting and praying for many hours and was rewarded with a dream:

“I see a black cave, an ominous feeling of dread as I approached the opening. The darkness has a feeling of thickness to it like thick smoke mixed with very dense fog. I could see in my mind’s eye 3 rooms – to the left, I could see birds’ nests with eggs. To the right, I saw racks of weapons, lined up along the wall. The middle room was so dark I could not peer within, but I could feel true evil. Ice fingers of dread reaching from the darkness sending chills through my soul as my dream ends.”

The high priest shared the dream with the party in hopes that it will be helpful to the defense of the town. This dream resonated with the party. They believed that the cave they saw earlier in the week, matched the dream. The nests & eggs represent the female orcs that are missing, and the weapon racks represent the abandoned barracks.

The party found a hidden wall in the middle room, and decided to venture inside.

Many undead were dispatched within these hidden chambers cut into the cave. During their skirmishes, Saril, the serving girl was rescued from a jail. She was shaken by what she had witnessed and only kept repeating that “he wants to make her his”. Gwan, simple minded as he is, shook Saril trying to knock some sense into her, but that caused her to curl up into a ball. She would trail behind the party, close enough to be protected, but far enough away to avoid fights. Other than her repeating that “he wants to make her his”, she provides no additional clues.

Of note, the party found many rooms of laboratory equipment, and a big black stone altar with a slightly concave top. Searching the altar, the party finds a recessed shelf that had a goblet with a dark red liquid in it, as well as a chain with one manacle attached to it. Adding some of the special “holy fire” elixir to the goblin, turned the liquid from red to clear. The party poured it on the floor and it drained under the altar.

After a few hours of fighting, the party decided to hole up in a room that looks like it hasn’t seen much activity, and rested for a few hours to regain their strength.